This section describes the features that have been added to Tester since version 2.00 was released in May 1994.
Version 2.50
After checking your answers, you can retry the questions that you answered incorrectly.
Tester keeps track of the results of practice sessions in a separate log file. This log file can be opened by Tester for analysis.
Version 3.00
Tester can analyze practice session log files in four different ways:
1) Student score histogram
2) Histogram of responses for each question
3) List of questions that may be too easy or too hard
4) Response to each question during each practice session
Version 3.10
The printing dialog windows have been reorganized. When printing, you can select how much blank space to print between questions and between answers.
Hold down the command key and press the up arrow to move to the first question in the test. Hold down the command key and press the down arrow to move to the last question in the test.
Version 3.20
When you set the minimum passing score, you can set whether or not the students should receive instant feedback when they select an answer while practicing the test.
Version 4.00
You can enter general instructions for the entire test and specific instructions for each category. In addition to helping students take the test, this feature also allows new types of test questions to be handled. (Refer to the section on Question Types for more information.)
You can also merge tests together into one file and copy and paste entire questions from one test to another.
Version 4.10
You can choose whether or not questions should be scrambled when practicing and printing tests. If you are using question categories, you can decide this separately for each category. When you do not want the questions scrambled, the ordering obviously matters. You can now use “Cut” and “Paste” on the Edit menu to rearrange the questions. (“Paste” now inserts the question from the clipboard in front of the current question instead of appending it at the end of the test.) When importing a test, use ^CN in place of ^C to specify that the questions in a category should not be scrambled.
You can export tests to text files. Pictures are saved in separate files in the same folder. The exported format is the same as the import format, so the tests can be imported again later if necessary.
When printing a test, you can start the question numbers from any number.